Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Brand & meaning

Our world is filled with many things, people, buildings, objects, nature, and brands. Brands have a huge impact on us even if we do not realize it. Having the option to choose between so many brands for one thing is something we have grown used to because of the type of world we live in is in constant change due to globalization and the exchange of brands.

Some of the impact brands have on us have to do with our feelings of nostalgic, they may return us to our childhood if it was a brand our parents used to buy or it may remind us of someone we care about. These turn into personal values because it is when the brand stops being what you are buying the item for and goes on to being what it reminds you of when you buy it.  These effects that brands have are very important in order to maintain it where it is, once we have an emotional attachment to something, be it a brands, a garment or anything, it is more difficult for us to step away from it, and consequently brand loyalty is created.

“You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

This phrase caught my attention because it says something that is true and that is exactly what happens when you have an attachment to some brand and you cannot stop purchasing it, until you do you will have loosen sight of the shore.

The two main drivers, that determine what, when, and why we purchase things are our want and our needs. The mayor difference between these two is that a want is something our mind tells us we have to buy, but in reality it does no have to be precisely that object. On the other hand, a need is something we have to buy, like food, something to drink, personal objects, because we need them in order to keep us alive. Brands offer us the difference between wants and needs, if you buy something just because it is a better brand, you are relying on a want because you could be buying the same object that has the same function for less, it being a need. 

Emotions have a great influence in what we do in our daily lives, including purchasing things. It there was no affection to any brand, they would not be as important as they are today, in a way they reflect who you are because each one of them has its own personality, just like everyone of us.

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